Monday, January 8, 2007

Detailed Roadmap of the 21st Century

compiled by Peter Pesti

This is the initial release of the “Detailed Roadmap of the 21st Century” compilation, a year by year bullet point list of notable advances expected to happen in the 21st century, from 2006 onwards. The motivation for creating such a compilation is to allow us to evaluate predictions in context of other predictions; evaluate their credibility in view of the big picture; and finally, to enable us to better plan and prepare for the coming years. Since the goal is to provide an overview of predictions, the list contains no original research or predictions: all listed advances are marked with their sources. When time ranges are given in the original sources, the most pessimistic (ie. latest) predictions are used. While the compilation aims to be comprehensive, it does not aim to be coherent: it is up to the reader to resolve conflicting predictions by trusting one (or none) of the sources.

For ground truth reference, listed advances include planned phases of large science and construction projects (with plans extending mostly until 2015), some regular political and sporting events (until 2025), and the age of Britney Spears. Projections on the state of the world (until 2050) are from Goldman Sachs, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the United Nations and the US intelligence community. Technology development projections are from DoD roadmaps, a nanotech expert survey , a semiconductor roadmap, and futurist opinions (Kurzweil, Klatz, Grossman, deGrey). An extensive compilation from British Telecom’s futurologists is also included, although predictions on that list have no source indications and the authors compiling the list “do not necessarily approve or condone what we are predicting will happen”.

 The compilation will be extended, and these marks will be updated as we move deeper into the century. No predictions will be taken off the list.

Read full list here

Global Warming. What is it? Factors. Trends & Effects.

What is it?
Global warming -- a gradual increase in planet-wide temperatures -- is now well documented and accepted by scientists as fact. A panel convened by the U.S National Research Council, the nation's premier science policy body, in June 2006 voiced a "high level of confidence" that Earth is the hottest it has been in at least 400 years, and possibly even the last 2,000 years. Studies indicate that the average global surface temperature has increased by approximately 0.5-1.0°F (0.3-0.6°C) over the last century. This is the largest increase in surface temperature in the last 1,000 years and scientists are predicting an even greater increase over this century. This warming is largely attributed to the increase of greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide and methane) in the Earth's upper atmosphere caused by human burning of fossil fuels, industrial, farming, and deforestation activities.

world map showing surface temperature anomalies in 2005
Map showing the global surface temperature anomaly in 2005. Accoring to the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), 2005 was one of the warmest years in over a century. Click image to enlarge.
Image credit: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS).

Greenhouse Gases
The increase in greenhouse gases caused by human activity is often cited as one of the major causes of global warming. These greenhouse gases reabsorb heat reflected from the Earth's surface, thus trapping the heat in our atmosphere. This natural process is essential for life on Earth because it plays an important role in regulating the Earth's temperature. However, over the last several hundred years, humans have been artificially increasing the concentration of these gases, mainly carbon dioxide and methane in the Earth's atmosphere. These gases build up and prevent additional thermal radiation from leaving the Earth, thereby trapping excess heat.

Power plants, cattle, and cars
"Power plants, cattle, and cars are some of the major contributors of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane."- Earth Observatory Global Warming Article
Image Credit: NASA's Earth Observatory

Solar Variability & Global Warming
Some uncertainty remains about the role of natural variations in causing climate change. Solar variability certainly plays a minor role, but it looks like only a quarter of the recent variations can be attributed to the Sun. At most. During the initial discovery period of global warming, the magnitude of the influence of increased activity on the Sun was not well determined.

sun image EITSolar irradiance changes have been measured reliably by satellites for only 30 years. These precise observations show changes of a few tenths of a percent that depend on the level of activity in the 11-year solar cycle. Changes over longer periods must be inferred from other sources. Estimates of earlier variations are important for calibrating the climate models. While a component of recent global warming may have been caused by the increased solar activity of the last solar cycle, that component was very small compared to the effects of additional greenhouse gases. According to a NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) press release, "...the solar increases do not have the ability to cause large global temperature increases...greenhouse gases are indeed playing the dominant role..." The Sun is once again less bright as we approach solar minimum, yet global warming continues.

Trends & Effects

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), average global temperatures may increase by 1.4-5.8ºC by the end of the 21st century. Although the numbers sound small, they can trigger significant changes in climate. (The difference between global temperatures during an Ice Age and an ice-free period is only about 5ºC.) Besides resulting in more hot days, many scientists believe an increase in temperatures may lead to changes in precipitation and weather patterns. Warmer ocean water may result in more intense and frequent tropical storms and hurricanes. Sea levels are also expected to increase by 0.09 - 0.88 m. in the next century, mainly from melting glaciers and expanding seawater . Global warming may also affect wildlife and species that cannot survive in warmer environments may become extinct. Finally, human health is also at stake, as global warming may result in the spreading of certain diseases such as malaria, the flooding of major cities, a greater risk of heat stroke for individuals, and poor air quality.

For more information on global warming in general and student activities and research topics in particular, visit:

Books from AMAZON.COM

Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum: How Humans Took Control of Climate

An excellent book, written by one of the world's top paleoclimatologists, but understandable to both scientist and nonscientists alike. Ruddiman summarizes, explains with research and facts, and places in context the influence of humans on atmospheric composition, climate and global warming. His focus is on the big picture -- changes to climate over the last 400,000 years with special attention to changes beginning 8,000 years ago. He makes only brief mention of solar variability as affecting climate (because his focus is on longer trends), but he does an excellent job of describing how small complications in the Earth's orbit cause regular glaciation on 100,000, 41,000, and 22,000 year timeframes. Note that a primary hypothesis of his book is the suggestion that early human agriculture started having an effect on the Earth's climate as early as 8,000 years ago. This is an intriguing idea which is still waiting for further scientific verification or discredit. However, the information in Ruddiman's book is still immensely useful in understanding current global warming and climate change.


Science's 10 Most Beautiful Physics Experiments

Robert P. Crease, a member of the philosophy department at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and the historian at Brookhaven National Laboratory, recently asked physicists to nominate the most beautiful experiment of all time. Based on the paper of George Johnson in The New York Times we list below 10 winners of this polling and accompany the short explanations of the physical experiments with computer animations.

1. Double-slit electron diffraction
The French physicist Louis de Broglie proposed in 1924 that electrons and other discrete bits of matter, which until then had been conceived only as material particles, also have wave properties such as wavelength and frequency. Later (1927) the wave nature of electrons was experimentally established by C.J. Davisson and L.H. Germer in New York and by G.P. Thomson in Aberdeen, Scot. 

To explain the idea, to others and themselves, physicists often used a thought experiment, in which Young's double-slit demonstration is repeated with a beam of electrons instead of light. Obeying the laws of quantum mechanics, the stream of particles would split in two, and the smaller streams would interfere with each other, leaving the same kind of light- and dark-striped pattern as was cast by light. Particles would act like waves. According to an accompanying article in Physics World, by the magazine's editor, Peter Rodgers, it wasn't until 1961 that someone (Claus Jönsson of Tübingen) carried out the experiment in the real world.

2. Galileo's experiment on falling objects
In the late 1500's, everyone knew that heavy objects fall faster than lighter ones. After all, Aristotle had said so. That an ancient Greek scholar still held such sway was a sign of how far science had declined during the dark ages.
Galileo Galilei, who held a chair in mathematics at the University of Pisa, was impudent enough to question the common knowledge. The story has become part of the folklore of science: he is reputed to have dropped two different weights from the town's Leaning Tower showing that they landed at the same time. His challenges to Aristotle may have cost Galileo his job, but he had demonstrated the importance of taking nature, not human authority, as the final arbiter in matters of science.

3. Millikan's oil-drop experiment
Oil-drop experiment was the first direct and compelling measurement of the electric charge of a single electron. It was performed originally in 1909 by the American physicist Robert A. Millikan. Using a perfume atomizer, he sprayed tiny drops of oil into a transparent chamber. At the top and bottom were metal plates hooked to a battery, making one positive (red in animation) and the other negative (blue in animation). Since each droplet picked up a slight charge of static electricity as it traveled through the air, the speed of its motion could be controlled by altering the voltage on the plates. When the space between the metal plates is ionized by radiation (e.g., X rays), electrons from the air attach themselves to oil droplets, causing them to acquire a negative charge. Millikan observed one drop after another, varying the voltage and noting the effect. After many repetitions he concluded that charge could only assume certain fixed values. The smallest of these portions was none other than the charge of a single electron.

4. Newton's decomposition of sunlight with a prism
Isaac Newton was born the year Galileo died. He graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1665, then holed up at home for a couple of years waiting out the plague. He had no trouble keeping himself occupied.
The common wisdom held that white light is the purest form (Aristotle again) and that colored light must therefore have been altered somehow. To test this hypothesis, Newton shined a beam of sunlight through a glass prism and showed that it decomposed into a spectrum cast on the wall. People already knew about rainbows, of course, but they were considered to be little more than pretty aberrations. Actually, Newton concluded, it was these colors — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and the gradations in between — that were fundamental. What seemed simple on the surface, a beam of white light, was, if one looked deeper, beautifully complex.

5. Young's light-interference experiment

Newton wasn't always right. Through various arguments, he had moved the scientific mainstream toward the conviction that light consists exclusively of particles rather than waves. In 1803, Thomas Young, an English physician and physicist, put the idea to a test. He cut a hole in a window shutter, covered it with a thick piece of paper punctured with a tiny pinhole and used a mirror to divert the thin beam that came shining through. Then he took "a slip of a card, about one-thirtieth of an inch in breadth" and held it edgewise in the path of the beam, dividing it in two. The result was a shadow of alternating light and dark bands — a phenomenon that could be explained if the two beams were interacting like waves. Bright bands appeared where two crests overlapped, reinforcing each other; dark bands marked where a crest lined up with a trough, neutralizing each other.
The demonstration was often repeated over the years using a card with two holes to divide the beam. These so-called double-slit experiments became the standard for determining wavelike motion — a fact that was to become especially important a century later when quantum theory began.

6. Cavendish's torsion-bar experiment

The experiment was performed in 1797–98 by the English scientist Henry Cavendish. He followed a method prescribed and used apparatus built by his countryman, the geologist John Michell, who had died in 1793. The apparatus employed was a torsion balance, essentially a stretched wire supporting spherical weights. Attraction between pairs of weights caused the wire to twist slightly, which thus allowed the first calculation of the value of the gravitational constant G. The experiment was popularly known as weighing the Earth because determination of G permitted calculation of the Earth's mass.

7. Eratosthenes' measurement of the Earth's circumference
At Syene (now Aswan), some 800 km (500 miles) southeast of Alexandria in Egypt, the Sun's rays fall vertically at noon at the summer solstice. Eratosthenes, who was born in c. 276 BC, noted that at Alexandria, at the same date and time, sunlight fell at an angle of about 7° from the vertical. He correctly assumed the Sun's distance to be very great; its rays therefore are practically parallel when they reach the Earth. Given estimates of the distance between the two cities, he was able to calculate the circumference of the Earth. The exact length of the units (stadia) he used is doubtful, and the accuracy of his result is therefore uncertain; it may have varied by 0.5 to 17 percent from the value accepted by modern astronomers. 

8. Galileo's experiments with rolling balls down inclined planes
Galileo continued to refine his ideas about objects in motion. He took a board 12 cubits long and half a cubit wide (about 20 feet by 10 inches) and cut a groove, as straight and smooth as possible, down the center. He inclined the plane and rolled brass balls down it, timing their descent with a water clock — a large vessel that emptied through a thin tube into a glass. After each run he would weigh the water that had flowed out — his measurement of elapsed time — and compare it with the distance the ball had traveled.
Aristotle would have predicted that the velocity of a rolling ball was constant: double its time in transit and you would double the distance it traversed. Galileo was able to show that the distance is actually proportional to the square of the time: Double it and the ball would go four times as far. The reason is that it is being constantly accelerated by gravity.

9. Rutherford's discovery of the nucleus

When Ernest Rutherford was experimenting with radioactivity at the University of Manchester in 1911, atoms were generally believed to consist of large mushy blobs of positive electrical charge with electrons embedded inside — the "plum pudding" model. But when he and his assistants fired tiny positively charged projectiles, called alpha particles, at a thin foil of gold, they were surprised that a tiny percentage of them came bouncing back. It was as though bullets had ricocheted off Jell-O. Rutherford calculated that actually atoms were not so mushy after all. Most of the mass must be concentrated in a tiny core, now called the nucleus, with the electrons hovering around it. With amendments from quantum theory, this image of the atom persists today. 

10. Foucault's pendulum

Last year when scientists mounted a pendulum above the South Pole and watched it swing, they were replicating a celebrated demonstration performed in Paris in 1851. Using a steel wire 220 feet long, the French scientist Jean-Bernard-Léon Foucault suspended a 62-pound iron ball from the dome of the Panthéon and set it in motion, rocking back and forth. To mark its progress he attached a stylus to the ball and placed a ring of damp sand on the floor below.
The audience watched in awe as the pendulum inexplicably appeared to rotate, leaving a slightly different trace with each swing. Actually it was the floor of the Panthéon that was slowly moving, and Foucault had shown, more convincingly than ever, that the earth revolves on its axis. At the latitude of Paris, the pendulum's path would complete a full clockwise rotation every 30 hours; on the Southern Hemisphere it would rotate counterclockwise, and on the Equator it wouldn't revolve at all. At the South Pole, as the modern-day scientists confirmed, the period of rotation is 24 hours.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

How To Make Money With Extreme Bartending

Scott Young likes to captivate his customers, so it’s fitting that he spends so much time behind bars.

Young is the president and head instructor of Bar Smart – The Performance Bartending Company, which he founded in 1993. He laughs when asked if he and his “extreme bartending team” are to bartending what the Chippendales are to exotic male dancing, but then realizes there are many parallels.

“We have style as we’re serving drinks,” Young, 33, said from his office in Vancouver. “We’re throwing bottle, glasses, limes and straws, basically being performers behind the bar.

“We travel all over the world to whoever hires us. We were in Denmark three weeks ago. It’s neat, because Canadians are really well-like around the world, because we’re polite.”

Young works at several bars, but mostly at the Roxy Niteclub in Vancouver, which he said is arguably the busiest club in Canada.

There are 10 Extreme Bartending instructors, including two in Toronto, one each in Winnipeg (Carl Berryman) and Kelowna, B.C., and the remainder in Vancouver. All but one of the instructors are male.

“It’s very difficult to get a high-level bartending job, because there is very little turnover in this industry,” said Young, who charges $225 for his two-day seminars.“We get people who are wanting to increase their odds of getting one of these jobs.

“We’ve sold videos to 60 different countries and we’ve got 12 new ones on the way.”

The seminars also include how to deal with problem customers and over-serving.

“Make the women feel safe in your bar and the guys will come,” Young said.

The 1988 movie Cocktail, starring Tom Cruise, had both a positive and negative impact on bartending, Young said. The movie got people excited about the industry, but bar owners didn’t want anyone like the film’s characters in their bar because they were literally leaving their profits on the floor.

“There was a lot of spillage in that movie,” Young said.

He is fully aware of the serious side of his business as well, considering both the injury factor while instructing and the legal and moral responsibility.

He considers the risk in throwing bottles and suggests newbies should start out chucking the limes or straws until their eye hand coordination is dependable.

“My lawyer gets upset when I teach people to blow ten foot flames, so I don’t do that,” he laughs. He plays with fire himself but doesn’t teach those tricks.

But speaking of playing with fire, he tells a tough story of legal implications (never mentioning government officials).

“In Canadian law, both the bar and the bartender can be held responsible for letting a person drink and drive. Many people are not aware of that.” He tells a tale that was eventually overthrown in Supreme Court where a man drove drunk away from a dinner theatre and crashed, killing one passenger. The driver sued everybody and the first court proceedings found the driver 89 percent liable, the establishment 10 percent liable and the waiter one percent liable. It was a $2 million case.

“We teach with two points in mind. First, we let people know their legal responsibilities and second, I believe we have a moral responsibility. We know what happens when people drink.”

Young encourages participants in his seminars to think of customers as guests in their home and he gives tips on how to attract customers, but also how to deal with problem situations.

Bartending Inside-Out: The Guide to Profession, Profit & Fun

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Celebrity Patents. Patents held by famous people.

Harry Houdini patentLast month, Google introduced its new Patent Search feature (in beta), allowing users to dig through 7 million US patents from 1790 to mid-1996. On-line patent searching has already been possible through the US Patent and Trademark Office website, but Google makes it fast and easy using their already familiar interface.

So, inspired by Google’s new easy-to-use patent search, I decided to dig up some of the celebrity patents that have been issued over the years. The following 18 patents are all by celebrities not usually known for being inventors. You can follow the links to the actual patents to learn more about each one.

1. Eddie Van Halen, Musician.
Patent #4,656,917 — Musical instrument support

Eddie Van Halen patent

2. Zeppo Marx, Actor/Comedian.
Patent #3,473,526 — Cardiac pulse rate monitor

Zeppo Marx patent

3. Harry Connick, Jr., Musician/Actor.
Patent #6,348,648 — System and method for coordinating music display among players in an orchestra

Harry Connick Jr patent

4. Penn Jillette, Magician.
Patent #5,920,923 — Hydro-therapeutic stimulator (for, um, sexual stimulation)

Penn Jillette patent

5. Michael Jackson, Singer.
Patent #5,255,452 — Method and means for creating anti-gravity illusion

Michael Jackson patent

6. Abraham Lincoln, President.
Patent #6,469 — [Method of] Buoying vessels over shoals

Abraham Lincoln patent

7. Julie Newmar, Actress (“Batman” TV Show).
Patent #3,914,799 — Pantyhose with shaping band for cheeky derriere relief

Julie Newmar patent

8. Marlon Brando, Actor.
Patent #6,812,392 — Drumhead tensioning device and method

Marlon Brando patent

9. Lawrence Welk, Musician/Bandleader.
Patent #D170,898 — Welk ash tray (design)

Lawrence Welk patent

10. Jamie Lee Curtis, Actress.
Patent #4,753,647 — Infant garment

Jamie Lee Curtis patent

11. Gary Burghoff, Actor (Radar on “M*A*S*H” TV Show).
Patent #5,235,774 — Enhanced fish attractor device

Gary Burghoff patent

12. Mark Twain, Author.
Patent #140,245 — Improvement in scrap-books

Mark Twain patent

13. Hedy Lamar, Actress.
Patent #2,292,387 — Secret communication system

Hedy Lamar patent

14. Walt Disney, Animation Innovator.
Patent #2,201,689 — Art of animation (method of filming animation cells with a shadow on the background)

Walt Disney patent

15. Harry Houdini, Magician.
Patent #1,370,316 — Diver’s suit

Harry Houdini patent

16. Danny Kaye, Actor/Singer/Entertainer.
Patent #D166,807 — Blowout toy or the like (design)

Danny Kaye patent

17. George Lucas, Director.
Patent #D265,754 — Toy figure (design)

George Lucas patent

18. Charles Fleischer, Actor (voice of Roger Rabbit).
Patent #4,219,959 — Toy egg

A success story of Chicago

From The Economist print edition

Chicago has come through deindustrialisation looking shiny and confident, says John Grimond. Can other rustbelt cities do the same?


APPEARANCES often deceive, but, in one respect at least, the visitor's first impression of Chicago* is likely to be correct: this is a city buzzing with life, humming with prosperity, sparkling with new buildings, new sculptures, new parks, and generally exuding vitality. The Loop, the central area defined by a ring of overhead railway tracks, has not gone the way of so many other big cities' business districts—soulless by day and deserted at night. It bustles with shoppers as well as office workers. Students live there. So, increasingly, do gays, young couples and older ones whose children have grown up and fled the nest. Farther north, and south, old warehouses and factories have become home to artists, professionals and trendy young families. Not far to the east locals and tourists alike throng Michigan Avenue's Magnificent Mile, a stretch of shops as swanky as any to be found on Fifth Avenue in New York or Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Chicago is undoubtedly back.

Back, that is, from what many feared would be the scrapheap. In 1980, when The Economist last published a survey of Chicago, it found a city whose “façade of downtown prosperity” masked a creaking political machine, the erosion of its economic base and some of the most serious racial problems in America. There followed an intensely painful decade of industrial decline and political instability during which jobs, people and companies all left Chicago while politicians bickered and racial antagonisms flared or festered. Other cities with similar manufacturing economies, similar white flight and similar problems of race and class looked on in dismay. If Chicago, the capital of the Midwest, the city of big shoulders, the city that works, that toddlin' town (few places have generated so much braggadocio), were to descend into rust-bound decay, what chance was there for Pittsburgh, Cleveland, St Louis, Detroit and a score of smaller places?

Chicago's revival should not be judged merely by the manifest sparkle of the Loop and such districts as River North, the Gold Coast and Streeterville. A more telling indicator is the growth of population recorded in the most recent (2000) census: an increase of 4.0% for the city since 1990 (compared with 3.9% for Minneapolis, and losses of 5.4% for Cleveland, 7.5% for Detroit and 9.6% for Pittsburgh). Other signs of economic vigour include the arrival of Boeing, which moved its headquarters from Seattle to Chicago in 2001, the growth of the futures and derivatives markets embodied in the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Board of Trade, and the decision to expand O'Hare to ensure it keeps its place as the busiest (depending on the measurement) airport in the country.

Just as significant have been some of the events that have not happened. For 21 years after 1955, Chicago was run by Richard Daley senior, a machine politician of the old school whose style was already looking anachronistic when his police enthusiastically beat up dissenters (as well as journalists and bystanders) at the Democratic convention in 1968. By the time of his death in 1976, he looked like a throwback to an earlier age. Despotism, however, was then replaced by factionalism and racism, and when Chicago got its first black mayor, Harold Washington, in 1983, he was rendered all but impotent by the implacable hostility of 29 of the council's 50 aldermen. The squabbling earned the city the title of “Beirut on the lake”.

Since 1989, though, relative harmony has reigned under a second Mayor Richard Daley, who has skilfully modernised his father's approach to government, embracing rather than suppressing opponents and working with prominent businessmen to improve life in the city. Although the whiff of scandal has latterly been swirling through the ranks of his administration, most of the headlines have been about policy decisions, not political deadlock. And no wonder: many of the decisions, especially those concerning housing, education and the environment, have been bold, earning the mayor plenty of criticism but probably more approval.

So Chicago seems to have weathered its period of deindustrialisation and emerged looking pretty robust. Other cities still groping for life after manufacturing death and trying to restore hope to their citizens and to the benighted neighbourhoods in which they live would do well to see what they can learn from Chicago's experience. This survey will try to do the work for them. It will examine an American success story. Is it as good as it seems? How much of it depends on Chicago's peculiar circumstances? How much could be repeated elsewhere? And what happens next?

*The greater Chicago area consists of six Illinois counties: Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will. The city itself lies entirely within Cook county, but makes up little more than half its population. The Census Bureau's Chicago-Naperville-Joliet metropolitan area includes parts of Indiana and Wisconsin. In this survey, the term Chicago means the city alone.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Google’s secret and/or forgotten pages

Some of these pages are indeed still public, but either have not been seen by many people, have been missed or are just very hard to find. The rest are just NOT public anymore and can be found either by searching the search engines for keywords, or by consulting the sitemap.xml and the robots.txt files:

  1. Holiday Certificate: Enjoy the gift of Google (local mirror).
  2. Enable Cookies help page.
  3. Google and Dilbert Doodle created by cartoonist Scott Adams for Google’s Holiday Logos.
  4. About Dennis Hwang (Hwang Jung-moak) - the designer of almost all of Google’s doodles. He’s a 28 years old Korean artist.
  5. Google Grants returns the 404. I guess Google’s tired to give money for free, or someone made a bubu. Also look at these Google Grants PDF documents from 2004 : Account Basics (local mirror), Keywords (local mirror), Ads (local mirror), Extra Help (local mirror).
  6. Why we sell advertising, not search results.
  7. Google Fan Logos - great collection of Google logos, made by fans all around the world. I don’t think this page is public.
  8. Google’s code of conduct - Our informal corporate motto is “Don’t be evil”.
  9. Google’s financial data where we learn that they actually made a dedicated row for “Settlement of dispute with Yahoo” for the 2004 Google - Yahoo dispute. Funny thing is that the WSJ reports a figure of $328 million and Google reports a figure of $201 million (which represented about 6% of all of Google’s 2004 income).
  10. Google Press Blog -YES, very few knew about it, I know. It even has a feed, so you can be up to date. None of the regular Google Blogs link to it anyway.
  11. Google Milestones - A history of Google’s achievements.
  12. Trademark Complaint Procedures - If you have concerns about the use of your trademark in their advertiser’s ads or in a parked domain name.
  13. Some older pages on a Google Tour and Building a better query
  14. The 2004 version of Google Labs: Why should you work at Google versus the 2006 (current) one.
  15. Explanation - Google’s explanation of their very disturbing search results when searching for “Jew” (2004).
  16. Google Store, Americas and Worldwide - Buy stuff branded with Google, like a Google beach towel or a White Google Polo Shirt for your wife. And yes, the Google stores are developed using Microsoft Technology (ASP).
  17. Google Gulp - They are pleased to announce Google Gulp (BETA)™ with Auto-Drink™ (LIMITED RELEASE), a line of “smart drinks” designed to maximize your surfing efficiency by making you more intelligent, and less thirsty.
  18. 2000 Google Easter Animation - Catch the eggs in order to spell “Google” (if you complete the game twice, there’s a suprise). Very funny and UGLY :)
  19. Some 100 Euro Adwords coupon for - Wrote in german.
  20. 10 Tips for Enterprise Search - A best practices tip sheet (local mirror).
  21. 10 things about Google’s Philosophy.
  22. Google’s fight spyware information page - In the footer, they recommend some anti-spyware programs.
  23. Google Alert #1: June 26, 2000, Google Launches World’s Largest Search Engine (is that right ? ;) )
  24. 20 Year Usenet Timeline - “Google has fully integrated the past 20 years of Usenet archives into Google Groups, which now offers access to more than 800 million messages dating back to 1981. This is by far the most complete collection of Usenet articles ever assembled and a fascinating first-hand historical account.”
  25. How to create a successful Google Grants campaign.
  26. Bouncing Heart Applet - See the 2000 and 2001 credits.
  27. Google Cheatsheet. FYI, did you knew that “~auto loan” will allow auto to match car, truck, etc ?. Here’s an extended Cheat Sheet from GoogleGuide and another PDF Cheat Sheet for print.
  28. Google Jobs Internship Opportunities - They’re looking for students pursuing degrees in computer science (or closely related areas), who love to problem-solve, code, and design.
  29. Google Jobs: Top 10 Reasons to Work at Google. I especially like #7 :

    7. Good company everywhere you look. Googlers range from former neurosurgeons, CEOs, and U.S. puzzle champions to alligator wrestlers and former-Marines. No matter what their backgrounds Googlers make for interesting cube mates.

    I mean, who the heck at Google is an alligator wrestler ?

  30. Video: An Inside Look at Google.
  31. Some funked up Google Logo, live on Google’s servers, from (insert unknown year and ocasion here):

    Unknown Google Logo

  32. 2001 Google Search Guide PDFs - Front (local mirror) and back (local mirror). From the content:

    If you have a general idea of the subject in which you’re interested, but are not sure exactly what you’re looking for, a directory is a great place to start. Directories like Yahoo! use human editors to organize information in broad categories, such as finance, sports, or travel. Think of them as giant card catalogs.

  33. 10 Google fun facts:

    Googlers are multifaceted. One operations manager, who keeps the Google network in good health is a former neurosurgeon. One software engineer is a former rocket scientist. And the company’s chef formerly prepared meals for members of The Grateful Dead and funkmeister George Clinton.

  34. Google Timelines from 2001 (mentioned in the previous article too) and from 2002.
  35. Google Zeitgeist Special Edition - Election 2004 - A bit of insight into people’s 2004 campaign interests.
  36. Hi resolution TIF images (zip archived) with Google Executives like Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Larry AND Sergey, Eric Schmidt, Cindy Mccaffrey, Craig Silverstein, David Drummund, George Reyes, Jonathan Rosenberg, Omid Kordestani and others. Here is the full list of zip archives:

  37. Zeitgeist Archive from 2001 to the present day, including searches done for CNN or World Trade Center, Pentagon, Nostradamus or Bin La Den on Sep. 11. Other Search Statistics Related to September 11, 2001.
  38. Corporate Information: Google Offices around the world featuring phones and addresses for each office, including driving directions - Page not public anymore.
  39. Google Content-Targeted Advertising - The ancestor of Adsense. From the page:

    How do you get started?

    It’s easy. If you’re a web publisher who sells advertising inventory, and your site receives more than 20 million page views a month, you may be a great fit for Google’s content-targeted ads.

    20 Million ? Really ? :)

  40. Premium Service for AdSense PDF (local mirror) - A 2003 PDF presentation of the Google Adsense Premium service. See the HTML version.
  41. A 2004 Adsense Tax PDF (local mirror). Look, we have a fax and a telephone number in the header :)
  42. Google AdSense Charity Ad Formats proposals and feedback requests. Amongst the questions asked by Google in this particular feedback page:

    1. What is your overall feedback about the proposed changes?
    2. The Public Service Announcements are no longer Google branded. What is your feedback about this specific change?

  43. The results was this page. They were named PSA too (from charity ads).
  44. Google AdSense Charity ad formats example (when there were only 6 formats available). Funny thing (if you look in the source code) about these “charity” ads, is the PUB ID and the fact that all those ID’s are live : ai=A0tJUlyc8_UJ8KIrzt8u3QG8AK_NVUnqLRIABAEAAFm-AEQwYh1ycsF2coR2b0 91NygDe5ADAseYVAAAA3IDO4lDMfF2cAIA&num=4&adurl=×90

    So SlashDot used Adsense in the past ? Or was it a charity website ? :)

  45. A certain Frankfurt Print Tour by Thomson Course Technology.
  46. A cool 2004 Adsense Tour.
  47. Google Gmail tour from 2005 - It’s movie based. Great tour BTW.
  48. 2005 Gmail Program Policies Redline version (???) - updated June 28, 2004.
  49. A page with bloggers that wrote (reviews) about Gmail.
  50. Gmail’s Third Party Software Error page.
  51. Bulk e-mail sending tips and information from Gmail.
  52. 3 Gmail XMLs : spam-0, trash-0 and trash-1. Don’t ask me what they are.
  53. A Google Healthcare Powerpoint presentation (zip) by Kevin Gough (Product Marketing Manager - Google Enterprise).
  54. Google Mini Sweepstakes Rules.
  55. A 2005 Google Search appliance flash presentation.
  56. Google Mini Administration Interface presentation. I always wondered how the Admin interface for a Mini looks like :)
